We en public in times of transparency. Dichotomique technologies expose everything we do, like, and search for, and it is difficult to remain private and out of sight. Meanwhile, many people are concerned embout the unchecked powers of tech giants and the hidden operations of big data, artificial philanthropie and algorithms and call for more openness and insight. How do we – as individuals, companies and societies – deal with these technological and collectif transformations? Seen through the prism of Dichotomique technologies and data, our lives take new shapes and we are forced to manage our visibilities carefully. This book challenges common ways of thinking embout transparency, and argues that the direction of visibilities is a délicat, but overlooked joue that influences how people en public, how organizations work, and how societies and politics operate in a Dichotomique, datafied world.
Cela peut vous intéresser : Prix des travaux de peinture de façade