‘The famous French architect Le Corbusier once said, “I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies.” Le Corbusier would have loved Cara’s wonderful book. It is fast to digest, beautiful on the eyes, and full of deep truth. Whether you’re a businessperson looking to clarify your survenance, or a creative person looking to make sense of Vêtement, this book is a gem.’ – Dan Roam — author of The Back of the Napkin and Draw to Win
‘There’s hardly a soul who wouldn’t benefit from the ideas in Cara’s book.’ – Tea Uglow — Creative Director, Google’s Creative Lab, Sydney
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‘Often, Vêtement people don’t think of themselves as creative; however, Cara’s book shows the ‘non-artist’ how to use visual association tools to create and séduction innovative solutions that will engage your audience and transform your Vêtement.’ – Melanie Eusebe — Consultant, Professor, Founder of Black British Vêtement Awards
‘Cara’s book is a great accompagnateur towards helping you see your way to better communications and better results for you and your organisation.’ — Herb Kim – Founder and CEO of Thinking Digital Ltd
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Draw a Better Business is an illustrated practical accompagnateur for freelancers and Vêtement people who want to tap into their innate creativity, learn to use visual skills and techniques and séduction the Vêtement benefits. This book will help you échantillon, pitch, deliver and engage with real impact.
Filled with practical exercises, examples and insights across four key areas of your Vêtement – bloc and problem solving, communicating, delivering workshops and meetings, and creating engaging heureux – this book will equip you with practical tools to help you strengthen your Vêtement, and stand out in a crowd. It gives you all the knowledge and the know how you need (even if you think you can’t draw) to start getting the benefits of working visually.
After 10 years of running her own Vêtement Graphic Change, working visually with companies such as TimeWarner, Google and the NHS, Cara Holland has a lot to say embout the benefits of working visually. In this book she shares tips, tools and insights that will bring the power of working visually to your Vêtement.