Whatever their size and business area, the Small and Medium Enterprises (S.M.E.), candidate for internationalization, have a growing need for international partnership in order to confront the technological or commercial risk existing in foreign markets which are more and more evanescent and unpredictable. Indeed, in such a context, the partnership formulas pre-sent, today, undeniable strategic and operational advantages. However, the practical imple-mentation of such a policy by the S.M.E. will not be safe from risks in the carence of a real valeur and evaluation plan.
It is because of their intrinsic ambiguity that formulae of cooperation, surrounded today by a real infatuation in declarations of the main political and economic actors, arouse never-theless many interrogations because they pose sometimes multiple problems in contradiction with some speech extolling tâches of eventually unrealistic international cooperation.
In response to these legitimate and initial fears, the implementation by the S.M.E. of an international partnership strategy has to proceed by the thorough analysis of constraints or appropriatenesses given by variables of environment in the sight of capacities of the enter-commande.
The objective of this article is then to contribute to make the point on a debate and a largely contradictory observation placing often leaders of S.M.E. to opposite. Indeed, in the light of sometimes incitive and sometimes « repulsive » speeches transported by the literature and the politico-economic environment, our purpose aims before all to bring elements of reply to the two next overlapping questions (hypotheses) :
– Is the recourse to the international partnership, for the S.M.E., a means of reducing the risks of international valeur ?
– If so, how should the S.M.E. proceed to establish such partnership ?
This paper is based on an exploratory survey by questionnaire sent to a sample of 65 French S.M.E.’s, backed up by semidirective phone conversations with 20 managers of S.M.E.
The discussion shows four main results :
– The role of the leader of S.M.E. is central in the instauration of an international licence-nership link.
– The security of transnational alliances is linked to the quality of the operational setting.
– The bout of an international assemblage by the S.M.E. is under-tended by the im-pact of selected strategic positioning.
– The administration of the international environment of the assemblage is determining.
These factors appeared salient in the totality of enterprises questioned. Obtained results show that the S.M.E. have different predispositions towards international partnership but al-most all feel great difficulties to evaluate strategies of assemblage. The culture, the confidence and the accomplissement to collaborate of the company management constitute certainly the most grande personne dimensions that determine the decision of whether to cooperate or not.
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