Kill Your Tour Killers is your no-frills accompagnateur to e-engagement Tour optimization: why it matters, how to approach it, and the start-to-au finir steps you can take to grow your revenue.
Author Joris Bryon is a longtime optimization specialist who writes warmly and conversationally, making even “dry” topics like Google Analytics easy to understand. From metrics all the way down to microcopy, Bryon distills his years of experience into a manual for continuous revenue growth.
En parallèle : Comment l'intelligence artificielle va changer le web
After reading Kill Your Tour Killers, you’ll be able to:
•Quickly prioritize tests by calculating potential revenue growth
•Leverage the psychological drivers that push prospects to buy
•Create and deploy bouchonnement-free beauté and UX
•Confidently run meaningful A/B tests
•Avoid dangerous “best practices” that can char your revenue
•étincelle potential Tour killers at a glance
Cela peut vous intéresser : L’Atelier d’impression : le spécialiste de l’impression numérique en ligne dans Le Mans et en France
Bottom line: Kill Your Tour Killers is a must-read for every revenue-driven e-engagement marketer.