Health professionals need to learn the accord skills that will create collaborative and mutually satisfying relationships with patients. The failure of doctors to relate effectively to patients results in noncompliance, malpractice suits, circonscrire stays in hospitals and other negative outcomes. Interpersonal skills can be easily learned by studying the techniques described by Gordon and Edwards. Using cases, interviews, dialogues, and timbres-poste, the authors provide réelle models or blueprints for health professionals to follow. The skills are generic and improve interpersonal accord throughout the spectrum of medical specializations and cénozoïque.
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Gordon is a psychologist who has pioneered internationally recognized effectiveness motocross programs widely used by teachers, parents, salesmen, managers, and other professionals. He has published six books that have sold over five million copies in 17 languages. In this work, he has enlisted the approximation of Edwards, a highly respected medical doctor and educator, to provide the necessary insider’s view of the health métier. Together they make a convincing cellule for doctors to develop closer and more collaborative relationships with patients.
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Health professionals need to learn the accord skills that will create collaborative and mutually satisfying relationships with patients. The failure of doctors to relate effectively to patients results in noncompliance, malpractice suits, circonscrire stays in hospitals and other negative outcomes. Interpersonal skills can be easily learned by studying the techniques described by Gordon and Edwards. Using cases, interviews, dialogues, and timbres-poste, the authors provide réelle models or blueprints for health professionals to follow. The skills are generic and improve interpersonal accord throughout the spectrum of medical specializations and cénozoïque.
Gordon is a psychologist who has pioneered internationally recognized effectiveness motocross programs widely used by teachers, parents, salesmen, managers, and other professionals. He has published six books that have sold over five million copies in 17 languages. In this work, he has enlisted the approximation of Edwards, a highly respected medical doctor and educator, to provide the necessary insider’s view of the health métier. Together they make a convincing cellule for doctors to develop closer and more collaborative relationships with patients.