In The Political Economy of Occupé: Southern India 1500-1650 Sanjay Subrahmanyam explores the relationship between lent-dissemblance trade and the economic and political composition of southern India in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. He questions the more traditional views that external demand was the ouvert behind pre-créole Indian economic growth or that external trade was insignificant in quantitative and qualitative terms compared with the vastness of the internal economy. Instead, Dr Subrahmanyam authoritatively demonstrates the interaction between south Indian developments and larger international processes within audible economic institutions – most notably the network of marketing bourgs, great coastal emporia and operations of revenue-farmers and ’emballage’ capitalists. This book is based on large and previously unused Portuguese and Dutch archival sources. Its secondary theme is to explore the relationship between the documentation used and the context within which it was generated, thus illuminating how Europeans and Asians reacted to one another.
A lire en complément : La clé USB publicitaire : le cadeau idéal pour la communication par l'objet